
Internet Art Gallery

My Painting on Facebook...53 "Likes" and Counting
I'm part of a new, exclusive club. I was recently accepted for representation in a new art gallery. TheArtGallerist.com has no brick and mortar front door. Instead, the entire "gallery experience" happens on-line.
I say exclusive club for a couple reasons. First, I had to be juried in. I like that because it keeps the talent pool genuine. There is plenty of diversity in style, medium, experience, and price, but every artist on the site has proven merit and has earned a right to be there. The second reason is that this is a gallery of original art and I like that. There are several websites that offer prints from the artist's original, or gift items such as mugs or t-shirts that feature the artist's artwork, but TheArtGallerist.com doesn't do that.
This is the art gallery experience, 21st Century style. It gives my work exposure that is world-wide. I'm seeing comments about "A Mother's Touch", featured on the gallery facebook page, that I have to translate(!). I'm glad UPS is world-wide.


  1. You are my hero! So proud of you and all of your accomplishments! :)
